Audience / User Research

Develop a deep understanding of your customer

As organizations strive to become more customer-centric, they are fast realizing the importance of developing foundational audience research that can be shared across the organization to build awareness and empathy for customers. 

Create better, more inclusive products and services by building a depth of knowledge about a broad range of people, their needs, motivations and usage contexts. 


Audience Research in Practice

Audience research (also referred to as user research, UX research and generative research) encompasses a range of quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods for collecting and analyzing data.


Different user research techniques include:

A person with a thought bubble
In-Depth Interviews (IDIs)

One-on-one interviews provide rich perspectives and insights. We conduct hundreds of interviews a year on behalf of our clients with users and stakeholders of their products and services.

A framed portrait of a person, hanging on a wall
Profiles & Personas

Analyze data to uncover patterns and commonalities among user groups or segments and use this to create profiles of audience organizations and users.

Turn users into people by creating ‘personas’ that are supported by data and human in quality.

A tree next to a house that is filled with speech bubbles
Ethnographic & Contextual Research

Observation is a powerful tool to learn about customers in their natural environments. It uncovers problem spaces and context: how and where people get tasks completed, what works, what doesn’t, and who is involved.

A diary that is being written in
Diary Studies

Use survey methods to gather quantitative data on a range of questions that support understanding of market and audience perspectives, attitudes and reported behaviour.

Want to evaluate your audience understanding?
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